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Class of 1978 Event in DC-9/21-22!!
The Committee that planned our 45th Reunion and a few of your other classmates are planning a get together for our class in Washington D.C. on Saturday, September 21, 2024 through Sunday, September 22, 2024, including a private tour of the National Archives, a behind the scenes visit to the Supreme Court, and dinner at Bill Eskridge’s house on Capitol Hill on Saturday evening. The planned activities begin on Saturday at 3 pm at the Archives and end early Sunday afternoon. All classmates and their significant others are welcome, not just those who reside in the DC area. Special thanks to Bill, Pat Profeta and Carolyn Williams, with a special assist from Dave Stewart. Watch this space and your emails for details and updates. But for now, please save the date! Bill says the Capitol Hill Hotel, near his house, would be a good choice for anyone coming from out of town.