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Not Signed Up//No Email

Not Signed Up/Missing Emails

Missing emails

We have no emails for the following people-if you are in contact with them please let them know about this web site and  have them email Carl Reisner at Carl.Reisner@gmail.com or Casey Ryan at Casey.Ryan@yale.edu if they wish to be included. 

Mark Pelesh

Sam Sipe


Not Signed UP

YLS provided  the names and email addresses of everyone in the Class of 1978 so you could be invited to join this website.  Classmates who have not joined this website by setting up their profiles are listed below.  If you do not join this website by setting up your profile you will still have limited access to this website--mostly you will be able to see the Home Page where we intend to post announceents of class events.  If you don't set up your profile you will not be able to communicate with classmates through this website and they won't be able to communicate with you. If you don't wish to communicate with classmates or receive communications from classmates or us through this website, simply don't sign up by creating a profile.  Your name will continue to be listed as a member of our law school class and you will continue to be mentioned on this page. If your don't wish to have your name listed at all on this website we can arrange that, just email Carl Reisner at Carl.Reisner@gmail.com or Casey Ryan at Casey.Ryan@yale.edu and we will delete all mention of you. If you elect not to sign up and would like your name continued to be listed on the page that lists members of our law school class but prefer to have your name deleted from this page we can arrange that too.  Just email Carl or Casey.